
Capricorn Ridge Wind Farm

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Written By Sofia
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The 407-turbine wind farm produces 662.5 MW of clean, renewable wind power, Enough electricity and clean energy for the Lower Colorado River Authority to reduce water pollution. The wind farm is in the top 12 largest wind farms in the United States.

Capricorn Ridge Wind Farm was commissioned in 2007. Capricorn Ridge has 407 wind turbines generating 662 megawatts of renewable wind energy. This offsets 186,000 tons of CO2 emissions every year

Who owns the Capricorn Ridge Wind project?

NextEra Energy Resources (NEER) owns the farm via one of its subsidiaries. NEER, with its affiliate companies and subsidiaries, comprises the largest renewable energy generator in the world for solar and wind.

What are the economic benefits of the Capricorn Ridge Wind farm?

Aside from the landowner lease payments, the wind farm provides an economic stimulus and expands the tax base for citizens living in rural areas.

The farm areas sprawling between the turbines remain viable for agricultural use and reduce water pollution while increasing electricity output, a key benefit of wind energy.

Wind farms can be built on existing farms, unlike power plants that need lots of space and can not be around agriculture and industry

Furthermore, the wind farms reduces greenhouse gas emissions released by an equivalent natural gas plant, or carbon dioxide emissions of 186,000 vehicles annually.

Where is Capricorn Ridge Wind farm?

Capricorn Ridge Wind Farm is in West Texas. Capricorn Ridge is in Sterling County, Texas

The wind farm is located in Sterling and Coke Counties in West Texas and covers 11,000 acres.

How much power does the Capricorn Ridge project deliver?

Wind-generated electricity from the farm averages 1.9-gigawatt hours a year from 2010 to 2018.

Who manufactured the turbines in the wind farm?

There are a total of 407 turbines on the farm with a combined 662.5 MW capacity factor, consisting of the following:

  • 342 GE 1.5 MW turbines
  • 65 Siemens Gamesa 2.3 MW turbines
Turbine ManufacturerTurbine TypeNumber of TurbinesTotal Capacity Factor
GE1.5 MW342513 MW
Siemens Gamesa2.3 MW65149.5 MW

How many phases does the farm have?

The farm was completed after its second phase was commissioned in 2008. The first phase has 210 turbines, while the second phase has 197 turbines.

When is the first power?

The first power was generated by the first phase in 2007.