Wind Power For Homes

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Written By Sofia
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Many countries are starting to develop and take advantage of a more reliable and enough power source that you can harness despite any crisis happening in the world. As the world gets hotter yearly, many people consider utilizing green energy production. According to IEA’s 2020 Report On Renewables, renewable power use will grow in the future. 

The most common ways of incorporating green energy among households are wind and solar power. Although this is a national movement, people can also make this shift in their homes. It has become accessible over the years, with units available for purchase from Amazon, Walmart, and other local and online stores.

They are expensive but considered an investment because they will eventually decrease the monthly electricity bills if used correctly. Continue reading to know more!

What Is A Home Wind Turbine?

Home wind turbines are smaller versions of large turbines you see on wind farms. While commercial wind farms use machines with blades large enough to make a diameter of 130 feet, home wind turbines are more condensed. It generates the wind’s kinetic energy into clean and renewable electrical energy production through a permanent magnet generator. 

A home wind turbine kit consists of a generator, a blade, and a pole. It works similarly to an airplane wing. As the wind blows through both sides of the blades, the wind pressure becomes uneven, making the blade spin as it does. This allows it to produce more energy than a traditional windmill.

Home wind turbines are one of the most energy-efficient and cost-effective renewable energy systems. Home wind turbines save power for generally windy areas and can lower electricity bills by 50% to 90%. They can also produce power for systems usually unreachable by electrical lines, such as pumping water for irrigation, farms, and off-grid cottages. This enables an uninterrupted power source with little pollution and gas emissions.

Some also come with a computer-connected weathervane. This keeps the machine positioned where the wind blows to make it run as efficiently as possible. They are often attached to a rotor shaft connected through gears, and this helps the blade rotate for up to 1,800 a minute. Most blades can only turn for about 18 revolutions a minute, which is not fast enough to generate electricity.

It would be best to put a wind turbine as high as possible. The higher it is, the more wind can pass through it. This is due to fewer structures and trees limiting the air passing through the area. This is also great for smaller properties without too much structure and systems to power up. 

Components of Home Wind Turbines

A home wind turbine mainly comprises a generator and tail. The tower, wiring, and components are usually called “balance of system”: inverters, controllers, and batteries.

Home wind turbines are made of the turbine, the tower, and the battery system that stores the electrical power

The rotor in the skewed stator core captures the kinetic energy from the wind through the spinning blades and converts that into rotary motion. This drives the generator and produces AC or wild AC (variable frequency, variable voltage). Then the converter changes the power into grid-compatible AC electricity.

Wind Turbine

Due to its traditional look, the market’s most popular wind turbine is the horizontal axis wind turbine. There are two wind turbine categories: vertical wind turbines and horizontal wind turbines. They are composed of two, three, or more blades, mostly from composite materials like carbon fiber blades.  

Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) rotate on a horizonal axis, while Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) rotate on a vertical axis

On the other hand, the vertical axis has two types: Darrieus and Savonius. The Darrieus type looks similar to an eggbeater and has its vertical blades rotating. The Savonius type has a recognizable “S” shaped design when you view it from above.


Wind turbulence is closer to the ground, like trees, buildings, structures, and even hills. Home wind generators need height to get the maximum wind speed, which is where the tower is functional. The higher it is, the more the system can create electricity.

Usually, the wind turbine on a tower is at least 30 feet above any existing obstacles within 90 meters of the building. This allows for a higher rate of return on investment and safer operation. 

Balance of System

The overall cost of the wind turbine installation depends on your application. Some manufacturers provide a system that includes all parts that you will need, similar to home wind turbine kits.

The balance of system equipment varies for each application depending on whether it is a stand-alone, electric grid-connected, or part of a hybrid system. For home applications, the system parts will probably include storage batteries, controller, wiring, foundation, power conditioning unit (inverter), and installation.


A stand-alone system needs high-voltage battery banks to store unused power when there is less wind. It will also need a charge controller to prevent the batteries from overcharging. This is also useful for a portable wind turbine. Some also have a maximum power point tracking to extract the available power for specific conditions. 


For grid-connected wind turbine systems, you will only need an inverter. This makes the turbine’s output compatible with the utility grid. 

Home Turbine Generator Wind Speed Rating

Wind turbines are rated by their cut in wind speed, their rated wind speed, and cut out wind speed

Home wind turbines are categorized by their wind speed rating. This enables the buyers to see which products are the best home wind turbines for their areas with specific high wind speeds. Here are what you should know about it:

Cut-in wind speed

Cut in wind speed is the point where a wind turbine can start generating power. Depending on the product, this is usually between 6 and 9 miles per hour.

The cut-in wind speed refers to the point at which a wind turbine can start generating power. Depending on the product, it is usually between 6 to 9 mph. This begins at low wind speeds up to the maximum the wind turbine can withstand.

Rated wind speed

Rated wind speed is the point when a wind turbine will generate maximum power

Rated wind speeds refer to the maximum output power of a wind turbine generator. This differs for each turbine and is mainly affected by its blade design.

Safe wind speed

Safe wind speed is the wind speed when you can safely operate a wind turbine. This is from the cut in wind speed to the maximum wind speed

The safe wind speed refers to the safe operation wind speed for most wind turbines. A safe wind speed is typically between 8 and 55 mph.

Maximum wind speed

This refers to the maximum wind speed a wind turbine generator can tolerate without damage. Some turbines cannot withstand wind speeds higher than the normal range.

Maximum wind speed is the highest rated wind speed for a wind turbine to generate power without damaging the wind turbine.

The automatic braking system protects the blades from damage during high wind speeds. It can break turbines and become a source of danger, so some models have a maximum wind speed set called the automatic braking system. It will automatically stop spinning upon reaching that level. 

Starting Wind Speed

Wind turbines also have something called a starting wind speed. This is the amount of wind needed to start the rotation of the blades. This may also differ for every product, and you should choose which one is the best for the wind speed in your area. While 7 to 9-mph start-up wind speeds are great for areas with very high wind speeds, it might work for places with low wind speeds.

Additionally, wind turbines also have something called a starting wind speed. This is the amount of wind needed to start the rotation of the blades. This may also differ for every product, and you should choose which one is the best for the wind speed in your area. While 7 to 9-mph start-up wind speeds are great for areas with very high wind speeds, it might work for places with low wind speeds.

Installation and Maintenance

It would be best to rely on a professional when installing your home wind turbine system. They have the required background and knowledge to ensure that nothing goes wrong with the installation. You should also check if they are a licensed electrician by asking them for references.

common types of maintenance you should do on a home wind turbine include, Checking machines for corrosion, Checking the wires for proper tension, Tightening bolts and electrical connections, Replacing damaged components, and Checking for worn-out tapes on the blades

A properly installed wind turbine can run for up to 20 years (or even longer!) This will surely give you back your investment and save you more. For its maintenance, these are the most common practice that you can do to keep it running safe and smooth:

  • Checking machines for corrosion
  • Checking the wires for proper tension
  • Tightening bolts and electrical connections
  • Replacing damaged components
  • Checking for worn-out tapes on the blades

You can also call a professional to do this service for you if you want a more thorough inspection.

Home Wind Turbine Annual Energy Output

The energy output of most home wind turbines differs depending on the product, and its annual output estimation will help you determine if it will be able to meet your household needs. You can also ask your professional wind turbine installer regarding this, and they will base the calculations on the following factors:

  • Average wind speed
  • Wind turbine power curve
  • Frequency distribution of the wind
  • Height of the tower
  • Land elevation

Sizing Small Wind Turbines

Residential turbines vary in size, usually from 400 watts to 20 kilowatts. Choosing depends on how much you want to generate energy for your home every month.

An average home uses around 10,649 kilowatts/hour per year. This is about roughly 877 kilowatt/hours every month. Depending on the wind speed in your residence, a wind turbine of around 5 to 15 kilowatts is needed if you want to contribute significantly to the annual electricity demand. A 1.5-kilowatt wind turbine generator can meet the 300 kilowatt/hour monthly with a yearly average wind speed of 14 mile-per-hour. 

Before you proceed, set out an energy budget. This will enable you to determine how much electricity you will need. If you are unsure which one you should use, you can always ask a professional to help you decide, depending on your unique situation.

Reducing your household energy consumption is more cost-effective in the long run and will allow you to choose the wind turbine size you’ll need accurately. 

Best Wind Turbine Manufacturers

If you are curious to know which manufacturers of home wind turbines you can trust, these are the three best wind turbines in the market today:

Missouri Wind and Solar

The Missouri wind and solar wind turbines, primarily the Freedom I and Freedom II wind turbine, are two of the best ones you can get. They have raptor carbon fiber blades that are extra durable and powerful in harnessing green energy. 

AutoMaxx Windmill

AutoMaxx provides a 1,500-watt wind turbine that could help you go completely off the grid if you wanted to at such a considerable price. It would not break the bank, but you can still start a greener way of producing energy and help decrease your annual electricity expense.

They also have products like marine wind turbines that work on trailers, RVs, and off-grid houses. 

Hybrid Solar Primus Wind Magnum Energy Kits

Solar panels and wind power are the two primary sources of green energy in residential areas. They both have drawbacks, and if you find it hard to choose which one is better, why not use both?

This hybrid system lets you get the best home wind turbine and solar panel in one generator. It allows you to get a consistent supply of how much power you’ll need, whether it is raining or sunny outside. 

How Much Does Home Wind Energy Cost?

The best residential wind turbines vary in cost depending on how much energy they can produce. They may cost anywhere between $4,000 to $80,000 per kilowatt. The average electricity use of most households falls around 10,000 kWh per year, which can cost approximately $50,000.

If you live in a place that doesn’t receive consistent wind speed all year, then a home wind turbine investment is not for you.

How To Know If Home Wind Power Is For You?

Installing a home wind turbine requires proper planning and maintenance to ensure it works efficiently. Potential buyers need to estimate the wind resource in their area first and do research regarding neighborhood zoning regulations. Some places do not allow wind turbine electrical systems, so you should consider that before purchasing. 

To evaluate if wind power is for you, please evaluate your property, determine your local wind resource, and calculate the cost.

Here are the things that you can do to know if wind power for homes is for you:

Evaluate your property

You can do this by checking in with your board of supervisors, local building inspector, planning board, or whoever else might be concerned. They can provide information about the requirements, restrictions, and the final answer if you will need a building permit. This also applies to homeowners’ associations, especially regarding the aesthetic and noise level of a particular wind turbine generator.

Before installing a wind turbine, you need to evaluate your property. You can do this by checking in with your board of supervisors, local building inspector, planning board, or whoever else might be concerned. They can provide information about the requirements, restrictions, and the final answer if you will need a building permit. This also applies to homeowners' associations, especially regarding the aesthetic and noise level of a particular wind turbine generator. Regarding height limits, it is common among zoning ordinances to have a 35-foot limit. Knowing these regulations will help you plan your best residential wind turbine installation. You also have to consider those wind turbines produce noise slightly above ambient wind noise. However, you will hear it if you make a conscious effort to do so, and it is mostly unnoticeable under different wind conditions in which it operates.

Regarding height limits, it is common among zoning ordinances to have a 35-foot limit. Knowing these regulations will help you plan your best residential wind turbine installation.

You also have to consider those wind turbines produce noise slightly above ambient wind noise. However, you will hear it if you make a conscious effort to do so, and it is mostly unnoticeable under different wind conditions in which it operates.

Determine your area’s wind resource

Having constant wind will not provide enough energy if it is not that hard to blow through the blades of a wind turbine. Many factors affect an area's wind resources, such as local terrain and the number of trees. You can check out the wind resource maps available on the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website. If you want an accurate measurement, you should consult a professional; to make direct monitoring at your site. They will take readings where you plan to install the wind turbine, whether you will install it on the roof or on a tower. The cost of hiring a professional to do these kinds of work ranges between $600 to $1,200.

Having constant wind will not provide enough energy if it is not that hard to blow through the blades of a wind turbine. Many factors affect an area’s wind resources, such as local terrain and the number of trees. You can check out the wind resource maps available on the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy website.

NREL Wind Speed USA

If you want an accurate measurement, you should consult a professional; to make direct monitoring at your site. They will take readings where you plan to install the wind turbine, whether you will install it on the roof or on a tower. The cost of hiring a professional to do these kinds of work ranges between $600 to $1,200.

Calculate the cost

There’s no denying that wind turbine generator installation can be pricey. It is essential to calculate the overall cost of the process, how much it will lower your monthly energy bills, and when you can expect to get the return on investment. 

Many machines are available at different price ranges, and you have to choose which one suits your needs best. As much as possible, go with the one you will save the most. Remember that the overall cost depends on several factors, like location, machine output, size, and more. A professional will help you install a wind turbine through the estimation process. 


That’s everything you need to know about winning power for homes. When looking for the right wind turbine, there are many factors that you should consider.

The planning and inspection alone may take a long time, but do not rush this investment. Making sure that every aspect of this investment suits your needs and will benefit you, in the long run is better than taking the risk with no concrete understanding of green energy.